Nafees Nastaleeq v1.02

PakType Naskh Kashmiri Medium

Nafees Pakistani Naskh v2.01


Diese Fonts werde benötigt, um

Urdu, Kashmiri und Sindhi in arabischer Schrift



These Fonts are required to display

Urdu, Kashmiri and Sindhi in Arabic Script.


1.    Wie sehen die Fonts aus/ how are the fonts looking like

Nafees Nastaleeq v1.02

PakType Naskh Kashmiri Medium

Nafees Pakistani Naskh v2.01

download Nafees Nastaleeq v1.02

download PakType Naskh Kashmiri Medium

      download Nafees Pakistani Naskh v2.01



     Entpacken Sie den Font und/ Unpack the font an

     a) installieren Sie ihn/ install it

     b) und die/ and the „Font properties extensions

     c) Dann sehen Sie alle seine Eigenschaften/ Now you see all its properties


3. a) Windows XP

     Keyboard Layout “CRULPUrduPhonetic2ET”

     Keyboard Layout “ETkashmiriPhonetic”


     Keyboard Layout “SindhiET”

     download Keyboard Layout “CRULPUrduPhonetic2ET”

     download Keyboard Layout “ETkashmiriPhonetic”

     download Keyboard Layout “SindhiET”

     b) Windows 7

     Keyboard Layout “CRULPUrduPhonetic2ET”

     Keyboard Layout “ETkashmiriPhonetic”


     Keyboard Layout “SindhiET”

     download Keyboard Layout “CRULPUrduPhonetic2ET”

     download Keyboard Layout “ETkashmiriPhonetic”

     download Keyboard Layout “SindhiET”    

     c) Windows 8/ Windows 10

     Keyboard Layout “CRULPUrduPhonetic2ET”

     Keyboard Layout “ETkashmiriPhonetic”


     Keyboard Layout “SindhiET”

     download Keyboard Layout “CRULPUrduPhonetic2ET”

     download Keyboard Layout “ETkashmiriPhonetic”

     download Keyboard Layout “SindhiET”


4. Wie man die Keyboard Layouts und die Sprachunterstützung installiert/

     How to install the Keyboard Layouts and Language Support

     a) Windows XP  b) Windows 7  c) Windows 8/ Windows 10

